
Created on Sat May 1 15:12:38 2019
@author: ‘Semeon Risom’
@purpose: ‘Build models for analysis.’

##### Imports

[ ]:
from imhr import plot, processing, raw, redcap
import imhr.model as model
import imhr.settings as settings

#----check if required libraries are available
is_library = False
if is_library:

##### Start

[ ]:
processing = processing(config, filters)
console = settings.console

##### Analysis of Varience: Gaze and Dwell Time

[ ]:
effects = {}

#----load config
# p = path_['output'] + "/analysis/config.json"
# with open(p) as f:
#     config_ = json.loads(
config_ = config
console('fix config', 'red')

exclude = config_['metadata']['subjects']['exclude']

#----load data
p = path_['output'] + "/analysis/final_data.csv"
df_ = pd.read_csv(p, float_precision='high')

# dependent variable
y = 'dwell_time'
# main effects
effects['main'] = {
    'cesd_group': 'categorical',
    'aoi': 'categorical',
    'trialType': 'categorical'
# random effects
effects['random'] = {
    'participant': 'categorical'
# formula
f = "%s ~ cesd_group + aoi + trialType + (1|participant)"%(y)

#----save data for access by R and for calculating dwell time
csv = "dwell_data.csv"
p = path_['output'] + "/analysis/html/model/anova/"

#-----calculate dwell time using multiprocessing
# use __name__ to protect main module
df_dwell, error_dwell = processing.dwell(df=df_, cores=7) if __name__ == '__main__' else None

#----normalize dwell_time for comparison between iaps and pofa
df_dwell['dwell_time'] = df_dwell.apply(lambda x: (x['dwell_time']/4500)
if (x['trialType'] == 'iaps') else (x['dwell_time']/3000), axis=1)

#-----exclude participants, group by subject:trialType:aoi
# exclude participants
df_dwell = df_dwell[~df_dwell['participant'].isin(exclude)]
# groupby
df_dwell = df_dwell.groupby(['participant','cesd_group','trialType','aoi'])['dwell_time'].mean().reset_index()

anova_, anova_result, anova_r, html = model.anova(config=config_, df=df_dwell, y=y, f=f, csv=csv, path=p, effects=effects)

del y, f, csv, p

##### Linear Mixed Model Regression: Stimulus and Dotloc Onset Error

[ ]:
effects = {}

# #----load config
# p = path_['output'] + "/analysis/config.json"
# with open(p) as f:
#     config_ = json.loads(
config_ = config
console('fix config', 'red')

#----load data
p = path_['output'] + "/analysis/error.csv"
#df_error = pd.read_csv(p_error, float_precision='high')
df_ = pd.read_csv(p, float_precision='high')

# dependent variable
y = ['diff_stim','diff_dotloc'] #build models for each IV in list
# fixed effects
effects['fixed'] = {
    'os': 'categorical',
    'trialType': 'categorical',
    'TrialNum': 'factorial'
# random effects
effects['random'] = {
    'TrialNum': 'factorial',
    'participant': 'factorial',

#----save data for access by R and for calculating dwell time
csv = "onset_data.csv"

#----run model for each IV
for _y in y:
    # path
    p = path_['output'] + "/analysis/html/model/lmer/"
    # formula
    f = "sqrt(%s) ~ os + trialType + TrialNum + (1+TrialNum|participant)"%(_y)
    # run
    lmer_, lmer_result, lmer_r, html = model.lmer(config=config_, df=df_, y=_y, f=f, exclude=exclude, csv=csv, path=p, effects=effects)

del y, _y, f, csv, p

##### Analysis of Varience: Gaze and Dotprobe bias

[ ]:
effects = {}

# #----load config
# p = path_['output'] + "/analysis/config.json"
# with open(p) as f:
#     config_ = json.loads(
config_ = config
console('fix config', 'red')
#----load data
p = path_['output'] + "/analysis/final_data.csv"
df_ = pd.read_csv(p, float_precision='high')

#-----exclude participants, group by subject
# exclude participants
df_ = df_[~df_['participant'].isin(exclude)]

# groupby
df_ = df_.loc[df_['nested'] == 'trialType']

# dependent variable
y = ['dp_bias','gaze_bias']
# main effects
effects['main'] = {
    'cesd_group': 'categorical',
    'trialType': 'categorical'
# random effects
effects['random'] = {
    'participant': 'categorical'

#----create function for each IV
for _y in y:
    console('Step: ANOVA (%s)'%(_y), 'red')
    #----save data for access by R
    csv = "%s.csv"%(_y)
    p = path_['output'] + "/analysis/html/model/anova/"
    f = "%s ~ cesd_group + trialType + (1|participant)"%(_y)
    anova_, anova_result, anova_r, html = model.anova(config=config, df=df_, y=_y, f=f, csv=csv, path=p, effects=effects)